
American Prince Charmings

Over the course of the last several months, American Princes have sincerely become one of my newest favorites. As people, as performers, and as songwriters, they're a band that really do provide the whole package. Though I've become acquainted with them offstage, I wholeheartedly declare that my love for their latest album, Less And Less, had nothing to do with influence. The record spoke for itself.

Starting with "Baby Blue," which first hooked me, I was brought in through the chorus of "Open Letter," and then experienced a struggle to decide whether I loved "The Simple Life" more than "Never Grow Old" or vice-versa. A friend fell in love through "Annie," and opened me up to the complex emotional reaction such a simply, seemingly lovely song can elicit. And I once sent an mp3 of "Breaks" to several of my closest friends declaring, "If you want to know exactly how I feel - listen."

Whereas, like a new relationship, new bands can ignite the senses but burn out just as quick - American Princes has been coming to a slow boil, song by song, and the end result is a record that never tires itself out.

Their newest addition is the endearing and original music video for "Never Grow Old." Apparently, they'd worked on a video for the album's opener, "Stolen Blues," and upon its completion a certain Gnarles Barkley released a video for a song that just happens to be the hit of the summer. Problem was the GB visuals were, well, a wee tad too similar. The project had to be scrapped, and now the Princes present this:

And personally, I haven't laughed that hard over a morning cup of coffee in ages.

I'm not even going to list mp3's. Purchase the album.

Website: http://www.americanprinces.com

Ok, ok, I will post an mp3. Here. But don't be fooled. The album is a variety of styles and moods, and this one gorgeous song could never do enough justice for the remaining twelve tracks...

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