Behold, MisShapes:
One of the top results for "hipsters" in Google image search...
People that complain aboout hipsters, in my opinion, are rather lame. I won't deny that I've done it in the past, and I think the main reason for me giving up that pointless gripe is because the definition of a hipster - regardless of how many handbooks are published - varies from social circle to social circle.
NONETHELESS, The Pill is a weekly dance party at Great Scott that majoritively focuses on Brit-pop and will often have bands like The Glass Set, Bon Savants, BM Linx, and others play live. A separate operations entity from Great Scott itself, the party has become a weekly staple for many because of its location, cheap booze, and reliably pumped dancin' drunks. It's cheaper if you arrive before 11, but I don't think I've ever arrived earlier than 12:30, regardless of my intentions. Some weeks it's packed to the brim, and others it's pretty spaced out, but you can always depend on The Pill to be the right environment to make of it what you will.
Admit it, there are some dance parties that take far too much effort at where you can have a consistently good time. On an aside, most people that show up to The Pill are already drunk.
Personally, I have a lot of dance party exploration to do in Cambridge. Mistaker, Properazzi, David Day, and countless other parties that spin minimal techno and beyond are on my "Must Do!" list, but many of the draws of Allston go beyond habit and proximity to my neighborhood. Crossing the river is top priority.
Therefore, I say: ONWARD, CHARLES!!
Also, that recurring commercial for Britney's new perfume, Fantasy, is ridiculous. I can't get the fact out of my head that she's fat, saggy, and over when I see her prancing around as a forest goddess. Whatevs...
here i am, getting excited, thinking that this post was about hipsters and birth control... imagine my disappointment!!!
I am scared of the mere mention of hipsters! Eeek!
The Pill rules. And Boston's hipsters are far less obnoxious than the New York variety. For one, they aren't convinced that they'll be famous any minute if they just manage to hang out with the right people, and for another, they don't give a shit about being "seen." Welcome to Boston.
The key to being cool is losing all conception of what cool is "supposed" to be. It's so easy to forget that. It's nice to have a fresh pair of eyes in the city.
So basically you're cool with being a hipster now?
Suck a fuck, Orion!
just wish the music selection would move up to post 2000, there are a ton of great UK bands atm.
Well then maybe you should check out Exitfare.
Oh wait, you run it!
Dany's right though. Their song selection needs some work.
Yeah, when it comes down to it, I totally agree.
F Me, Charles Nemo. Really, FFFFF ME!!!!
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